Monday, July 11, 2011

Am I Old?...and dinner dilemma...

It seems as though all of a sudden...I have cousins...who's children...are having BABIES!

That makes them GRANDPARENTS....

Doesn't that automatically mean you wear the title of "old"?

And since I, hypothetically speaking, am old enough to be a grandmother, does this make me old?  Even if I have a baby who is under the age of 2.

This is very disturbing to me.  

But I decided to make a little outfit for one of my cousins new granddaughter.  They rodeo...and I had the perfect material for a sun suite for the new baby.

I'll post some pics of my progress tomorrow.  I've made lots of these sun suits...but never one this small.  So lets all say a prayer that this works, cuz I kinda already told her I was making it.  

On another note....Mr. 5 is out of town working.  He is the one who does the majority of the cooking dinner.  And by majority, I mean all the cooking dinner.  So our oldest knows that he is in for some nites of frozen pizza...and he is not too happy.   Maybe I should give it more of a shot..the whole cooking thing.  But, to be honest, between running around after the two little ones, baths, reading, refereeing.  When am I supposed to throw together a meal???
I know...I know...There are some SUPER mom's out there who think I am a wussy cry baby, and that I should put my big girl panties on and just cook some dinner.  Well, Kudo's to you ladies.  But no thanks!  I never claimed I could do it all.  And I never will.

So, before we part ways...tell me...What's your take on the dinner thing.  Any suggestions??  And, let me remind you of my thin keep the not so nice comments to a minimum..PLEASE!

g'nite ya'll!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

So I started a blog....

I really don't know where to start...or if anyone will even read this, but here goes.

Last year, end of June to be exact, we, Mr. 5 and I, decided that I should quit my dead end job at a local hospital and stay home with our two youngest children.  It wasn't as if we could afford it, but we also couldn't afford for me to keep working either.  Daycare for two was killing us.  90% of my paycheck was paying for daycare.

So, I did it.  I quit.  I had never not worked before.  EVER.  But I had always wanted to be a stay at home mom.  I had these daydreams of organization, cleanliness, projects, and perfectly well behaved children.   CrAzY! I know...what was I thinking?

I am a little OCD like that...but I manage. 

Well, soon after our big decision....Mr. 5 lost his job.  And thus began a wild and very emotional downward spiral that we are still trying to climb out of.  With the Grace of God, and my wonderful family, we are managing.  Plus, we have 3 beautiful children that need us to make it.  So really, we have no choice.

Well, I promise to try to continue this blog, however frightening it may be for me and u!  :)
I will try to post daily, and not to be to terribly mundane.  But thanks for reading.  And feedback would be very much appreciated.  I do have thin skin, but I promise not to let you see that part of least not this early in our relationship.

g'nite yall!